Study English Abroad
There are a wide range of jobs that cover the travel and tourism industry, however, one does not always find that such jobs would be lucrative, even glamorous. And yet, that is exactly what I am saying to you, if you have a yen for linguistics, travelling the world and living in the exotic locales of Dubai, Alexandria, Cape Town, do read on.
People often refer to English as a global language or lingua franca with more than 350 million people worldwide speak English, known as native English speakers; particularly, the people across the Americas, UK, Europe. With greater than 430 million speaking it as a second language, there are English speakers in most countries around the world and likely, globally the single most recognized language.
As English is progressively being taught to a variety of audiences, the English as a Foreign Language segment (EFL) or even, English as a Second Language (ESL) has seen exponential growth. Many countries around the world are investing in an English education for their inhabitants because of the growing need for expansive communication and mastery over the same slowly becoming a necessary skill in this globalized economy.
English is known for being the universal dialectal for business, and none truer than this statement even as international trade expands every year, bringing new countries into contact where a common communication platform is a must. For any graduate hoping to study abroad, English proficiency is a prerequisite and one must write the IELTS/TOEFL/CPE/CPT. The best graduate schools abroad have programs that are taught in English as well as an almost prerequisite being the hiring for most multinational companies requiring an intermediate to advanced level of English proficiency from potential employees so in order to get a position with a top company. The fact remains that English is a language whose perpetuation is given.
Even those whose vocational interests lie in law, science, even medicine cannot afford to neglect English, especially if they intend to work and study abroad at all for they need must give the GRE/GMAT/LSAT/MCAT, all of which need advanced language skills. Also, the leading international professional journals globally are printed in English, irrespective of whether the author hails from Poland or Guyana. And, of course, with good conversational English, a professional would be able to network and make important contacts at conferences and seminars. There is a pressing need for up skilling and training of such professionals for which it is imperative that the burgeoning demand be addressed with trained professionals with a special inclination towards the ESL pedagogy.
Study abroad for an English Graduate
Irrespective of whether you have done an Arts or a Commerce undergraduate degree, you could aspire to an EFL or ESL-centric graduate degree, given that you also possess the required aptitude to learn the methodology to teach English to non-native speakers. Indians do well in these careers, especially those with degrees from US, UK which are considered as native English countries, versus the ESL countries like India, Norway, Russia etc. Ideally for an Indian graduate to study ESL/Linguistics abroad would be via the graduate/doctoral pathway where there is tremendous scope to teach English as a vocation, especially if you hold a CELTA/DELTA/Trinity certification to boot.
Career Pathways for ESL graduates
In the earlier days, it was the yen of the wealthy families to seek au pairs or nannies of French or English nationalities to inculcate the desired western habits. However, the realization has seeped in that the training in English language is best left to professionals and must continue long into adulthood. When considering teaching overseas, the public belief is customarily to think of teaching English as a second language to primary or secondary school children; nevertheless, this is not the only type of educational opportunity overseas. There is a great need for adult ESL modules for there are natives in ESL nations, needing to improve their expertise in the language for work purposes. An ESL graduate can also teach subjects like Business and Science in English at universities in foreign countries. Licensed teachers are competent to teach at intercontinental schools like those that teach a western syllabus. This is typically how the children of diplomats or other expats are educated so they can integrate with the education system of their home country should they return home to finish grade school or attend university.
Destinations for ESL/EFL graduate teachers
TeachAway is one such website of many online that offers quality placements in countries ranging from South Asia to the Middle East. Skilled English educators in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can credibly presume to make $1,800 – $5,000, tax-free on a monthly basis with doles including airfare to and from the assignment, health insurance, and even, plush furnished housing. Dubai, and Abu Dhabi receive a great number of English teaching queries given that Dubai is specifically known for its diverse standing as a center of trade, finance, and tourism.
Most novices in the ESL world go to East Asia because this market recruits heavily overseas. Plus, the perks are astoundingly great when considering that the salary to the cost of living ratio is really good. Also, there is scope for administrative as well as teaching jobs in this growing market, especially if you have taken a course in Chinese, Vietnamese or even, Mandarin. Many companies in this region (as well as other parts of the world) offer administration and other types of non-teaching positions to experienced foreign teachers. Even if none of these options appeal, one could always go the entrepreneurship route and take up IELTS/TOEFL/CPE coaching independently or with the British Council or Trinity College centers. There are diverse avenues in the teaching and administrative sectors for EFL/ESL graduates with degrees from reputed varsities in the United States and what’s more is that while it is a fun career, it also happens to be a lucrative job that opens avenues for you to live in exotic destinations as well as pursue a fulfilling career. With these kind of perks, a regular desk job does seem humdrum, isn’t it?